Donna Caruso

The Caruso family has a deep rooted history at St. Paul and were long time family friends with Sister Stella. It's one of Donna's greatest honors to have taken on the role as President of the Foundation this year to carry on the great work of Sister Stella.
Donna is native to Los Angeles having grown up in the Arcadia area. She met her husband Marc in high school. They have 2 boys. Dominic, an SPA alumni and currently a freshman at Loyola High School. Rocco is in the 7th grade and on Student Council.
She attended USC graduating with a dual degree in Business and Art History. She worked in the Interior Design field prior to starting her family as a project manager on large residential projects. Donna has enjoyed being part of the St. Paul community having held positions as PWC Head Room Parent, Chair of Grandparents Day, 8th Grade Room Parent, served several years on the Festival committee and currently her 5th year on the Sister Stella Foundation.
She intends to carry on the tradition and values of Sister Stella while providing to the students of St. Paul's the support they need to make their time here one filled with great memories and lessons to carry throughout their lifetime.